Killing the Indian in the Child (French version)

History/Society, Germany/France 2021

This new film goes to the roots of a deep-seated issue that is eating away at Canadian democracy. Misery, alcohol, drugs, violence, femicides... The Indians, or First Nations, have been facing a crisis for decades. Considered as second-class citizens, they bear the brunt of the situation's consequences. A situation that dates from a long time back. Indigenous communities have been treated with contempt since the birth of the Canadian Confederation in the 19th century. They didn't have the right to speak their languages, they had to wash in bleach, to whiten their skin. With this education, these children were doomed to a life of shame. They had to "kill off the Indian in them". But for the past ten years, the First Nations have been making a stand. They are asserting their rights and asking for this injustice to be recognised. This film follows the cultural, political, and legal battle of these new avengers of the Indigenous cause. It's a road-movie along the frozen routes of Ontario, Saskatchewan, and the Northwest Territories. It's a journey of initiation that takes us from the boreal forests of Canada's north to the secret archives of the Vatican.
56 min
Starting at 8
Audio language:

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Olivier Adelen


Soline Braun

Original title:

Tuer l'indien dans le coeur de l'enfant

Original language:


Further titles:

Kill the Indian in the Heart of the Child

Matar al indio en el niño: abusos a los indígenas de Canadá

Misshandelt und umerzogen — Kanadas First Nations

Uccidi il nativo che è in ogni bambino: Canada, un genocidio culturale

Zabić w dziecku Indianina: wykorzystywanie dzieci Pierwszych Narodów w Kanadzie


16:9 HD, Color

Age rating:

Starting at 8

Audio language:


